The U.S. of Faith


     “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”  2 Timothy 3:16-17

     What happened to you, America?  Where has your greatness wandered off to?  Why has your strength diminished?  How can we be the greatest nation when we are so busy fighting amongst ourselves, trying to determine whose rights are valid and whose are not?  This is not what our forefathers created.  This is not what our founding fathers established.  This country has become corrupt with the masterful deceit of Satan.  He has tainted our society.  He has polluted are government.  He has turned believers into followers of the societal herd.  Is anyone else’s heart sinking?  Does anyone else raise the eyebrow of doubt when they hear how great America currently is?  I know there are people out there, feeling what I feel. 
     Today’s society is happy that religion does not have an effective role in government (red flag).  There are plenty claiming to be attuned to a Christian life, that are pro worldly decisions and acceptance; all teaching from God’s word cast aside (red flag).  Now, government creates “rules” saying that certain sins are okay (red flag).  I could keep going, there are plenty more red flags out there and you already know it.  This is not how a great many of our leaders planned for us to turn out.  Their dreams are stamped out like a small candle in a gale storm.  Many choose to believe that God played no part, in this nation.  Leaders were not guided by their own spiritual convictions.  From this point, I will let many of those leaders speak for themselves:

“The Bible is the best gift God has given to men.  All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book.  But for it, we could not know right from wrong.”  – President Abraham Lincoln

“It was for the love of the truths of this great book (the Bible) that our fathers abandoned their native shores for the wilderness.  Animated by its lofty principles, they toiled and suffered til the desert blossomed as the rose (Isaiah 35:1) … The Bible is the best of books and I wish it were in the hands of everyone… I would that all of our people were brought up under the influence of that Holy book.”  -President Zachary Taylor

“It (the Bible) is the rock on which our Republic rests.”  -President Andrew Jackson

“The teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally—I do not mean figuratively; I mean literally—impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teachings were removed.  We would lose almost all the standards by which we now judge both public and private morals…”  -President Teddy Roosevelt

“Remember that you are the redeemed of the Lord (Ephesians 1:7)—that you were bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20), even the inestimable price of the precious blood of the Son of God… Acquaint yourselves with Him in His word and holy ordinances.”  - William Samuel Johnson, signer of the Constitution

“The Bible contains more knowledge necessary to man in his present state than any other book in the world.” –Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration

“The Holy Scriptures…can alone secure to society order and peace, and to our courts of justice and constitutions of government, purity, stability, and usefulness…” –James McHenry, signer of the Constitution

“All of the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from them despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.”  --Noah Webster, Schoolmaster to America

     Happy Independence Day, America!  I pray that we may return to our former glory, under God's watchful eye!


  1. I love this. Happy 4th of July.

  2. It's a shame where our country is but I still have hope in where it could be again. :) Great blog.

  3. Yes it is. I, too, pray that this country can return to what it once was.
