An Open Heart

"Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ welcome you." Romans 16:16

The verse that decorated the sides of my old congregation's bus.  Being so young, my first thoughts were:  "What? Are we suppose to go around kissing everyone?  I don't get it."

In truth, what this simple verse was saying, the motto that my congregation was trying to display was this: Greet everyone with a friendly smile and a kind word. What better time of year to remember this simple thought?

This Christmas has been filled with a collection of “firsts” for me with the birth of my daughter.  Watching my wife and daughter, both sleeping soundly.  Holding my little girl on my chest and feeling her tiny breaths.  Looking into her curious blue eyes as she tries to put focus in this new world.  The feelings they bring are beyond words.  This is a new world of warmth and peace for me.  Before Christmas, last year, I was blessed in the sanction of marriage.  Now, this year I’m holding my little baby.  It is a warm blanket that wraps around me that even the coldest Colorado days cannot break through.  It is easy to assume that everyone is experiencing something of this kind as Christmas Eve rolls on.  However, I know that isn’t reality. 

Many military mothers and fathers are unable to hold their babies against them and watch them sleep.  Many spouses will not be sharing a kiss under the mistletoe.  Many parents will not be able to watch their kids tear into their presents Christmas morning.  That is only a fraction of people that will be experiencing heartache this Christmas.

Whether you know people personally or not, here’s a few suggestions that we could take to heart:  Be kind to everyone you encounter.  Give a warm smile and kind words to that worker at the drive-thru window of your favorite fast food restaurant.  They may be working hard for a few extra dollars to spend on the family’s Christmas dinner.  Thank that cashier at the Walmart checkout, even if they struggle with your purchase.  They may be near the end of a very long shift, and having to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.  Visit a friend that is missing family.  Better yet, invite them to dinner.  Little acts of kindness can carry a lot of weight.
May everyone find a bit of peace and joy this Christmas!

What Will She Be?

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10

What will she be?  This is a question that has been consistently on my mind, since my wife and I found out that we would be having a baby girl.  Which of her mom’s features will she have?  Will she have my stubbornness?  Will she have her mother’s beautiful singing voice?  Will she love braving the wild outdoors with her old man?  Bedtime stories?  First bicycle ride?  Crayon drawings?  So many visions to think about.  If all goes according to (God’s) plan, we will begin to find out in just a few days.

My wife has expressed how she is anxious to see me holding our daughter.  To be honest, this is a moment that I have long waited for.  Feelings of warmth, happiness, nervousness, and worry; everything that a parent could expect to feel, right?  If I were to attempt to describe everything that I have been feeling, I would fail.  At times, I would be in total peace.  Other times, I feel like my head it going to pop with every thought racing around in my brain. 

Then, another thought struck me:  What does God already have planned for my little girl?  You see, I have been repeatedly praying that God will help me to raise her as He expects me to and I’m pretty sure my wife has been praying the same thing, for herself.  But, what does God plan to do with her?  Wow!  I had to take a moment there to let the goosebumps settle!  Here I am with all these wonders and speculations, while God already sees her entire life!  (Feel free to drop a hint or two, Lord.)  I hope to show my daughter some of the experiences that I had growing up.  I look forward to her grandmother teaching her many wonderful things.  I pray that I can take her hiking to some of the beautiful surroundings that I have seen and show her just a little of the wonderful things that God has created, and to teach her how to have her own relationship with Him. 

To all you parents out there, may God help you to guide your children in His ways.  I ask that you say a prayer for us, as we prepare for our new, blessed arrival.

Man Without Fear

"Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world." Revelation 3:10

Why is the Daredevil my favorite out of all superhero-lore? It has nothing to do with a blind mind with exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills.  Nothing to do with his special abilities due to overly heightened senses. It has EVERYTHING to do with a man attempting to keep his very soul on the right side of God's war against evil.

A while back, a new series came out, based on this fictional hero.  As the story unfolds, you see a man struggling with his own “devils”.  Angered by a flawed judicial system, he ventures out to exact justice upon those who prey on the weak.  He is forced to choose to stand alone when, as a lawyer, the legal system breaks down.  One side of him wants to give the villains what they “deserve”, while another side of him struggles with allowing that to pull him into the very darkness he is trying to protect others from.  Often, Matt Murdock (aka Daredevil) seeks refuge at the local church.  Sometimes, even confiding in his priest on his inner struggles.  He is considered the “most spiritual of all comic heroes.” 

I had reached a point in my trail of life that I needed to get back the trail God intended, not the trail of others.  I was starting to allow others to pull me into the easy path.  I needed to turn and go against the grain.  I needed to seek Jesus to be my trail guide.  I had forgotten the way.

So, where I am going with this “Daredevil” thing?  He is nicknamed The Man Without Fear.  That is what we need to become, fearless.  Fearless of what people might think of us for the Godly choices we make.  Fearless to choose the side of God.  Fearless to stand with Him and battle Satan and his army.

The “Daredevil” lesson is that we do not want to compromise our souls by choosing the easy path.  We may want to strike out in anger.  We may want to lash out with bitter words.  That is the real devil saying, “Go ahead!  It’ll be fine, just do it!”  Stay out of that dark path.  It will be extremely difficult to come back from it. 
However, we can choose to endure.  We can choose to face the tests that God gives us, on this earth.  If we do that then, as John writes in this Revelation passage, God will protect us from the great time of testing, the day of judgement before God.

God gives us a path of light.  A path of truth.  A path of fair justice.  God will protect those who seek His mercy. 

MESSAGES FROM THE LAMP - Conclusion: The Apple Appeal

"For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light." Luke 8:17

Ever been in the produce section of the store and you notice an apple, but not just any apple...the perfect apple? The perfect shade of red, perfect size, and everything about it looks appealing. You want to pick that apple up and eat it right then, right? You pick up the apple, and you turn it to look at and then.....on the backside there's the worm hole, or a deep bruise! In the blink of an eye, you put the apple down and walk away, everything that initially drew you to it vanished!

There was one spot on the lamp that I couldn't clean up, no matter how hard I tried to reach it. So, I worked around it as best I could. Not real noticeable, but it's there.

I got to thinking about the "flaws" we carry. We all have them, but the point is how we deal with them. These flaws can be from pain afflicted, deceitfulness, abandonment, disappointment, falseness, etc. etc. It can be different things. Often created by what we face. Nothing you can do can hide it, even though you try to keep people from seeing it. Two choices can be made, when dealing with these tarnished spots:

First, you can try to hide it on your own. However, by then, the "wormhole" has dug deep inside of you. It's a part of your actions now. You pass yourself off as something spectacular and then, inevitably, the other side comes out. You fail to see the problem and others are left with lack of true and lack of trust. That one small spot is enough to tarnish the once beautiful image they held.

Or, second, you can face the imperfection and realize you can't cover it up yourself, but you can seek help. You seek help from seeking the cleansing power of Jesus' can clean away even the toughest spots. Then, you reconcile with those that you have failed. People that love and care about you enough, will forgive and help you out. Then together, with God's grace, you can get back the more appealing qualities you once had...and not allow that one tarnished spot to be the final impression that you leave.

MESSAGES FROM THE LAMP - Part 2: Illumination

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105

Blackness! Darkness! Complete nothingness!! I have been out in the wild, in total darkness...moonless nights, but nothing...NOTHING compared to this. I held my hand right at my nose, waved it.... NOTHING. I knew for the first time what it must be like for a person without sight. Living in blackness!
A few years back, I went to the Natural Bridge Caverns, near San Antonio, TX. I took the lantern tour, which means the only source of light came from the small lanterns each of us carried, 180 ft. down into the earth. Just a small group, consisting of a young early-20's couple, the two guides, and myself. Once we reached the deepest point, while listening to an audio recording we switched off the lamps. SWEET MOTHER OF PEARLS!!!! TOTAL BLACKNESS, in a 99% humid cave with NO source of light!  WOW! I could feel the very darkness cling to me like being covered in damp burlap!  It was an amazing experience, which for someone who is claustrophobic, NOT a good idea. As for me? Good thing it was totally dark, the others couldn't see me looking like a dork while I was looking all around me, as if I could see the stone walls.  Hey, I just said I'm a dork, don't judge me! 😊

After momentarily switching the lamps back on, one of the guides lit and old miner's lamp, very similar to my grandpa's, and switched off our lanterns again. Frankly, it wasn't much better than the darkness. Holding the lamp at less than two feet from a wall, BARELY gave off the faintest glow! This is what those men of old had to work with.... W O W!!!

The lesson here is we keep wanting God to show us the way and we tend to get a little cranky when He doesn't show the whole path. Then, we make the mistake of trying to look beyond the light's reach. That's when trouble happens. Like these miner's, we need to move slowly and carefully in our lives, keeping in mind that we are still moving forward, but with patience to allow the Father to show you as much (or little) at a time as He chooses. We need to understand that God has a reason for this. We need to trust this and not question it! A little light is better than nothing at all.

"It is better to light one small candle, than to curse the darkness" - Chinese proverb


"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Matthew 7:15

Grandpa's old miner's lamp.  When my mother showed it to me, it was tarnished and covered with gunk, due to the sands of time.  It took a lot of time, patience, and a LOT of brush attachments on my Dremel tool! She turned out a beauty. She really shined!

I didn't know what I was expecting to find as I started stripping all the tarnish, gunk, and buildup. I wasn't expecting it to be as shiny as you see it now. So, you may ask, why the verse from Matthew 7?

I got to thinking about the words of Matthew 7:15-20. It reflected on my own vision of people, of what I expect to find underneath all the layers that is built up. I expect the shine. However, it doesn't always work that way. When I have peeled the layers off of many people, expecting the beauty, I often find that what's beneath is no better than what has caused all the tarnishing to begin with. As Matthew 7:20 says "You will know them by their fruits."

I expect something shiny, beautiful; disappointed when I find that it is anything but that. It is those who don't live at the 100%.

Living at 100% means showing what is inside, on the outside. Many live in an 80%, 60%, etc...only by some mishap, is the true inner self exposed. 

Today, let people know the 100% you. Otherwise, don't expect a 100% return....and if what lies beneath is tarnished, break out God's tool and remove it. Strip it away, so that you can start again with something beautiful. Renew yourself to God and to those around you.

Shine On

"Do you bring a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don't you put it on its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear." Mark 4:21-23

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us;
It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others. 
-Marianne Williamson                        

Mark 4 reminds me of this Marianne Williamson poem.  It comes to mind when I see "attention seekers".  Some post a load of selfies and I ask myself "why"? Is it inadequacy? Is it so you can constantly hear how beautiful you are? Because, inevitably, that is the result....same as the last time you posted one...and the time before. Are we constantly needing to seek approval from others? The answer is: YES! For whatever decision we make, we have an inner longing for others to say: "looks great", awesome job", "proud of you". There are times when that is encouraged, but when it is a constant draw....why?

Others selflessly pursue the happiness of others and feel powerless to do so. We may not be able to "change the world" as we would like, but we can do as Mark said, and as Marianne stated:

We can shine for others. We can liberate ourselves of our burdens and through our examples, liberate others, who choose to see it.

Don't worry about how you look, or how you dress, or what kind of car you have, or job you have to "impress" others. Instead, impress God with your heart. Don't let Jesus's sacrifice go in vain, by shrinking to what others want, or don't want to hear or believe.

SHINE ON for what you believe. You never know who make be enlightened by this. :)


And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, “Write, ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!’” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.”  Revelation 14:13

I think we all would agree that this has been a trying time for our country.  We have hatred and racism, all around us.  People are hashing up old wounds from the distant past, without properly understanding those events that divided our young nation.  People are bent on hating purely based on skin color.  Many have rejected history as a learning tool and are in the process of “removing” history any way possible.

Natural disaster, by way of two hurricanes, have left a path of death, injury, and destruction.  Many states, companies, and emergency service units sprang into action; providing rescue, food, sheltering, and medical assistance.  The damage is not over.  The casualty rate will, likely, rise again.  While many are forgetting the hatred and joining together, another historic statue was removed in Dallas, TX.  Sadly, while the Lone Star State is trying to recuperate from massive hurricane and flood damage, people still are bent on selfishness and foolish pride.

Today, sixteen years later, family and friends are remembering loved ones that were killed in the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.  Many our remembering the sacrifice family members made, while stopping the plans of the terrorists aboard United Airlines Flight 93.  Where are the rest of our hearts?  Are they still burning with racial hatred?  Are they forgetting what happened?  Do they realize how vulnerable they are making this country?  How weak they are making its citizens?  What is it going to take, another terrorist attack?  Have you forgotten?

There is a reason we should be taking a moment and reflecting on what has happened.  There is a reason that it should cause us to pay more attention to what is happening to our fellow Americans that have been driven from their homes, in the aftermath of these recent disasters.  There is a reason we should be fighting to be ONE NATION, UNDER GOD.  That reason is God’s Son, our Savior.  He died to unite people to God, not drive wedges between them.  Have you forgotten?

While we often reflect on soldiers that fought and died, protecting this country, ask yourselves, “What about those who didn’t ask to die?  What will all those that just went to work in the World Trade Center, expecting just another average day of work, say to people so full of anger against each other?”  “How would those men and women, on United 93, feel about what they left behind?”  Do you think they would be asking, “I gave up my life, never being able to see my family, kiss my spouse, watch my children grow, for this?”  Have you forgotten?

To those out there, that are keeping the racial tensions burning, you can stay filled with hate, anger, greed, wanting attention, expecting everyone to change to suit your misunderstanding of our past.  Or, you can understand that we are not living in the 1800’s still.  You can research the events that took place and gain knowledge about those events.  Then, you try to be part of the solution for bringing UNITY to all our nation’s citizens.  Have you forgotten?

This morning, my prayer revolved around the hurricane victims and to all those helping their fellow citizens.  It also reflected on those who are missing loved ones from today’s tragic history.  I would hope that everyone would do the same and ask our Father “what can I do to be part of the solution?”

Heavenly Father, don’t ever let me forget!

The Worst Brings Forth The Best

Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?  And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?  When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’”  Matthew 25:24-40

The past week has not been easy for me.  With great pain, I have been watching, from afar, as a natural disaster has struck my beloved home state and seeing the damage caused to lives and property all around the area that I lived.  As I have been going through several images of relief efforts, I have been in tears this morning.  Tears of sorrow for those that have been forced to leave their homes.  Tears of sadness for those that have been injured or worse.  It is overwhelming.

My tears are also of hope and pride.  So many companies and resources have been called into action.  H-E-B Grocery, a Texas-based chain of stores, has mustered supplies and volunteers.  Police, Fire, and Medical forces from all over have kicked into high gear, not to mention our Armed Forces.  Places like the George R. Brown Convention Center and Falcon Steel’s Warehouse are being used as shelters for evacuees.   Native Houstonian, Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, has opened his Gallery Furniture stores to take in those needing shelter.  Several states have already sent relief forces to South Texas.  A great many people, owning boats, have hooked up and headed down to help rescue many more still caught in the floods.  If an individual has had the means, he/she have taken it upon themselves to lend a hand.  This is an emotional time, all around.

Amid a nation attempting to tear itself apart with racial issues, people of various ethnic backgrounds have proven that “Loving one another” is still stronger than those that are bent on destroying goodness.  They have shown that we can come together when the going gets tough.  We can stand united and MUST continue to do so, long after this recent disaster is over. 

“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Matthew 18:20

Highway to Heaven

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”  Proverbs 3:27

When you hear the phrase “highway to Heaven,” what comes to mind?  Do you fill your thoughts with “what I must do to get to Heaven”?  Well, good luck with that notion.  We can’t do our way to Heaven.  Only in our Savior, can we possibly reach that kingdom.  Instead, my thoughts turn to is “What beneficial thing can I do along the way?”  Do I have the power to make a difference?  Then, why not?
Yesterday, my heart was saddened with the news of famous actor, comedian, and humanitarian, Jerry Lewis, had passed away.  While I had watched numerous movies with his zany humor, especially partnered with the late Dean Martin, it was his life after acting that took a particular interest to me.  He turned to a different power.  The power to help others.
Since 1952, Mr. Lewis dedicated his life to the efforts of raising fund for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.  This organization was created for medical services and research to combat MD and other diseases of the nervous system that affect some quarter of a million kids, as well as adults.  Most notably, he was responsible for annual telethons, raising money to fund ongoing research for these diseases, which he did for 46 years.  I recall watching several years of the charitable events.  Each year, I could see the face of this once young and vibrant comedian turn older.  His eyes looked more and more weary, each year that passed.  At times, he would appear so physically exhausted, I wondered what kept him going.  The answer was: his passion for helping the children.  It gave him an inner strength to keep going forward.  Mr. Lewis was a prime example of how someone with fame and fortune can use their talents to serve a Godly purpose.   
“Bear one another’s burden, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”  Galatians 6:2 is clear on taking up the burdens that other people are forced to carry.  To help those, especially when they cannot help themselves, is fulfilling one of Christ’s commands to love our neighbors, as ourselves (Matt. 22:39).  We each have the power and ability to teach, build, counsel, among several other talents.  These serve no end when they remain idle.  They do, however, serve and please God (Heb. 13:16).  
How accomplished do you feel when you are able to help others?  Maybe it’s helping your friend do repair work on their house.  It could be doing a little yardwork for a neighbor that is physically unable.  Or, dropping off some food to someone that has been physically ill.  The possibilities end only where we choose to turn away and ignore a situation.  We all want to get to Heaven, right?  The real question, we all must ask, is: how will you choose to spend the time walking that highway?

Bow of War, Bow of Peace

“I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.”  Genesis 9:13

While at some friends’ house, my wife and I experienced the awe of God’s beautiful bow, in the sky.  It was full; the colors were vivid.  I never tire of viewing the countenance of such a powerful symbol that God gave to us, so long ago.  While it is a symbol of peace and beauty, there is a second aspect that must also be remembered when beholding this curved emblem in the sky.  This is God’s weapon.  A bow that was fashioned to destroy.
For all you archers and bow hunters out there, take a good look at your choice weapon.  It was not created as a play toy.  It certainly was not built to create something.  Your bow is a weapon, plain and simple.  It is made to pierce and puncture.  In the hands of a skilled hunter, it is designed to swiftly kill your prey.  In the days of old, bows were symbols of death and destruction.  Many battles have been fought with these simple projectile weapons.  
God’s bow is no different.  He used it to destroy. God’s creation, His people, were turning against Him.  They were being corrupted by Satan’s hand.  The generations that came from Adam and Eve began to lose themselves.  Their hearts rotted with wickedness.  It became a corrupt and perverse society.  A society that God had enough of!  He decided that it was best to wipe the slate clean.  Start over.  New beginning.  With His powerful bow, God destroyed the Earth.  His arrows worked in a different fashion than what we are used to seeing from these weapons but, effective nonetheless.  His weapon succeeded.  Mankind (except for Noah’s family) ceased to exist.
After these events, what did God do?  He hung up His bow of power.  He turned it to point up toward the skies, not aiming downward toward the land.  In the presence of Noah, his wife, his son’s, and their wives, God hung His bow before them, vowing never to use it again to destroy the existence of mankind, as He had just done.  
What goes through my mind, any time that His bow appears visible, is: “Thank you, Father, for leaving that bow hanging just where it is!”  Despite how corrupted His people have become, He leaves His bow alone.  No matter how many people despise Him, or twist what He is, God leaves His bow hanging.  Societal issues just go from bad to worse yet, He doesn’t touch His bow.  
I don’t know about you but, it makes me want to improve my life and not give Him a reason to say, “You know what?  I change my mind!”  
Thank you, Father, for your patience with me and with this world, in general.  May we strive to be better children to You.  May we seek Your divine strength and courage to try to make a positive impact in our little piece of this world.  In the name of Your Son, Amen.

Keep Your Feet Moving Forward

(Video courtesy of YouTube.  Written and narrated by the late Geoffery Lewis.  Inspirational Navigations holds no rights to this video.)

Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 3:13-14

The Valley, performed by Geoffery Lewis and Celestial Navigations, tells a compelling story that I believe our Father would approve of.  It tells of a young man’s journey through life, reaching his next destination point.  He realizes that his journey was burdened by what he continued to carry with him from place to place, through the years.  It was slowing him down.  It was holding him back.  He knew in his heart that if he was going to fully appreciate the experience of his new surroundings, changes would have to be made.  The weights of the past would have to be set loose.  Only upon taking that rejuvenating step, was he able to enter his new realm unencumbered and with a newfound peace of mind.

Before I moved from Texas to Colorado, I had to do some purging of my own.  Granted, I was never much of a packrat but, I still had material possessions that were no longer relevant to my life.  I had plenty of memories through photos and a few sentimental items but, I still kept hold of too many things.  Things that I wasn’t even aware of because, they became lost and forgotten in the fragments of my mind.  If I retained every little bits and pieces of everything that I have collected, in the past, I would have mere boxes of junk.  They weren’t things that would serve any fresh purpose in my life.  So, out they went.  Much like the narrator in the story, I felt “taller” upon doing this.  I was taking the weights off my shoulders so I could stand straighter.  My steps became lighter, not more tasking.  I felt much more freedom.

Imagine, filling a backpack with large rocks.  The pack is as full as you can make it.  You go out for a long hike.  At first, it’s not too difficult.  As you continue walking, the muscles in your legs start to get sore.  You feel the weight of the pack pressing down on your shoulders.  Your back begins to hurt, due to the imbalance of weight.  Moving onward becomes more of a struggle. 

Now, as you hike, you pause, remove a rock from your pack and continue forward.  You may still feel the soreness and ache in your body.  However, you also notice a little bit of relief from removing some of the weight.  Take away another rock.  You feel yourself starting to take longer, easier strides again.  The pain in your back lessens.  Toss another rock.  Your pace increases.  You can cover more ground in less time.  Chuck another rock away.  Your breathing comes with less of an effort.  You feel like taking that next upward slope at a light jog, due to the decrease in the amount of energy you are forced to exert.  You get the point!

You can burden yourself just as much with anchoring yourself to the past as you can by keeping material items from the past.  Letting go and moving forward is the only way to rejuvenate and reinvent yourself.  While my past makes me the person I am today, I do not LIVE in the past.  I LEAVE IT in the past.  I have my fond memories.  I have photos to share with my family of those precious moments.  I have just enough material items to relate to some of those moments but, they take a very small percentage of my “backpack”.  I keep my feet moving forward.  My back gets straighter and I “grow” taller in Christ.

How full or burdensome is the backpack you carry in life?  Is it too full for new experiences?  Is the past still holding you down?  Remove what is slowing you down and taking up too much space.  You will be much more spiritually in tune with our Maker’s plans when you do.

Song In My Soul

“…but be fulfilled with the Spirit, speaking unto yourselves with Psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts.”  Ephesians 5:18b-19

I grew up in a house of musical talent.  My daddy was an accomplished guitar player and had a powerful bass voice that could be heard clearly, from any position in our church’s auditorium during song worship.  This actually came as a blessing many times when he could drown out another bass singer, who was always just a bit off key.
My mother, with her harmonic alto voice could add that perfect sound to any song.  I have seen her play a variety of instruments, from a stand-up bass, autoharp (which I loved “playing” when I was little), to utilizing her piano skills on an electric keyboard.  I’d always loved hearing her sing!
Dexter, my older brother, had picked up the guitar at a young age.  Being part of band and a tenor in choir, he just followed the footsteps of the talent that ran in the family.  He’s fortunate enough to have retained his tenor range, as mine has somewhat diminished.  LUCKY!  😊
I can recall many evenings, growing up, when my daddy and brother would pull out the guitars, mom with her bass or autoharp, and just have a family jam session in our living room.  I was too young to really latch on to learning an instrument so, I just sang out and looked cute.  Also, we spent many Saturday evenings at the local bluegrass festival, where my daddy, and eventually my brother, would perform with some of the other talented musicians.  Both of my parents also lent their skills in the church’s adult Christmas programs.  I have worn out the old cassette recordings of those gatherings.  Awesome memories!
My wife and I met through music and I love how are voices sound united.  My mornings start in complete bliss, listening to her sing as she gets ready to go to work.  It is a complete state of joy and happiness.  This is just another example of the importance that music (especially vocal music) is a vital part of life.
The Bible references “singing” over 100 times.  You would think that God is trying to tell us the importance of music in our lives.  We use it to express emotions, as a way to commune with others, and to worship our Creator.  In fact, growing up, nothing would have more of a spiritual impact to me than hearing the harmony created by the voices of my old congregation.  While some may choose worship with instruments and a band, nothing, to me beats the sweet sound of a large group harmonizing beautiful hymns.  
You don’t have to be a great singer to be able to praise God through the words of hymnal praise.  You just have to feel it inside.  As the passage says, make melody “in your hearts”.  To God’s ears, every voice, praising him in harmony, is a sweeter sound than anything else around.  
Keep the music of your life strong and lift up your voice in praise to the Father.

A Word from The Fathers

“Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”  1 Timothy 6:12

Two hundred and forty-one years ago, this nation became a truly American nation; free from control of the British crown.  A documented was drafted, declaring the New World a nation under its own authority.  We know this document as the Declaration of Independence.  While modern society debates the religious and moral beliefs that forged the beginning of this nation, I feel that some of the writers and signers, our “Founding Fathers” can speak for themselves:

“Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love and reverence toward Almighty God...What a Utopia, what a Paradise would this region be.  The Bible is the best book in the world.”  - John Adams
“Here is my creed:  I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe.  That He governs it by His Providence.  That He ought to be worshipped…”  - Benjamin Franklin
“We all agree in the obligation of the moral principles of Jesus and nowhere will they be found delivered in greater purity than in His discourses.”  - Thomas Jefferson
“God commands all men everywhere to repent (Matthew 3:2, Mark 1:15).  He also commands them to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and has assured us that all who repent and believe shall be saved (Acts 3:19) in a way of free grace through the atonement.”  - Roger Sherman
“Our all-gracious Creator, Preserver, and Ruler has been pleased to discover and enforce His laws by a revelation given to us immediately and directly from Himself.  This revelation is contained in the Holy Scriptures.”  - James Wilson
“The Bible contains more knowledge necessary to man in his present state than any other book in the world.  By renouncing the Bible, philosophers swing from their moorings upon all moral subjects…It is the only correct map of the human heart that ever has been published.”  - Benjamin Rush
“It behooves you most seriously to reflect upon your past conduct; to repent of your evil deeds (Acts 8:22); to be incessant in prayers to the great and merciful God to forgive your manifold transgressions and sins (1 Kings 8:50); to teach you to rely upon the merit and passion of a dear Redeemer, and thereby to avoid those regions of sorrow—those doleful shades where peace and rest can never dwell, where even hope cannot enter (Ephesians 2:12).”  - Thomas McKean
“I am constrained to express my adoration of the Supreme Being, the Author of my existence, in full belief of His Providential goodness and His forgiving mercy revealed to the world through Jesus Christ, through whom I hope for never ending happiness in a future state.”  - Robert Treat Paine
“I…[rely] on the merits of Jesus Christ for a pardon of all my sins.”  - Samuel Adams
“On the mercy of my Redeemer I rely on salvation and of His merits, not on the works I have done in obedience to His precepts (Ephesians 2:8-9).”  - Charles Carroll

Thank you, gentlemen, for this example to follow.

Mind the Rocks

And, ‘A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.’  They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.”  1 Peter 2:8

I think we can all agree on one proven fact about hitting your toe on a rock:  IT HURTS!  I have yet to hit my toe on any object and think to myself, “Hmm, I just hit that with my toe.  Oh well.”  NOT HARDLY!!!  It’s more of seeing stars, feeling a splitting pain in your entire foot, not to mention resisting the sudden urge to blurt out profanity.  You wind up with a throbbing feeling and convinced that every little bone it that toe has been shattered.
Here’s a good example of having extreme lack of finesse.  How many of you have attempted to walk through a room in your house, at night, without the lights on?  Did a certain piece of furniture manage to find your very sensitive toe?  Anyone that hasn’t had that experience just hasn’t lived!  Why did it happen?  Because, you walked through the house in total darkness!  Why do you think?
Tripping over something isn’t any better.  First, you have the afore mentioned experience of excruciating pain in your toe or foot, added to whatever bumps, scrapes, or bruises that occur when you fall to the ground.  Amidst the pain, we look around and see if anyone witnessed our sincere lack of grace.  It’s the sort of feeling that makes you want to crawl back in bed, throw the covers over your head, and pretend the day never happened.  Anyone have those days?  Who am I kidding?  Of course, you have!  We all have!  
As one that loves to venture into unsteady terrain, it is IMPERRATIVE for me to pay attention to the terrain and to ensure that I am walking properly.  If I’m dragging my feet, I’m going to be eating the ground, there’s just no way around it.  While I love to look around while I am trekking up hills, down steep slopes, or navigating through a very rocky path; I give much of my attention to the ground.  I would rather view it while I am still on my feet, instead of seeing it from a distance of two inches, after falling on my face.
These two cases teach us one important lesson:  PAY ATTENTION!  The words of Peter, along with other writers in the New Testament, clearly tells us that if we are walking in the light, seeing where we are going and paying attention to the path we are walking, then we will not stumble.  (See John 11:9, 2 Peter 1:10, Romans 9:32-33) Does this mean that we will never stumble?  No.  We will still have those moments in our lives when we figuratively stump our toe or go crashing to the ground.  Afterwards, we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, bandage the wounds, and continue on.  We become more focused on our surroundings and the trips and stumbles become fewer and fewer.  
May you go through today minding the rocks that lie in the path before you.  😊

Vigilance Vs. Fish

“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”  James 1:2-4

I caught my first rainbow trout, last weekend.  (By the way, the picture is not me.  Just a photo I found online showing the fish in more detail than the photos my wife and I took.) It was only one but, there was a definite feeling of fulfillment inside of me.  Let me explain.  Having grown up and venturing the various lakes of Texas, my fishing knowledge revolved around two species: bass and catfish.  If you were to look at the arsenal inside my tackle box, you’d see various soft and hard lures, meant for these two types of marine life.  Moving to Colorado, where trout is the top catch, what I had would not work.

My wife and I took off for a day of fishing.  I did my homework on some of the preferred live baits (since we would be fishing in a reservoir that ONLY allowed live bait), purchased what was needed, and headed out.  Now, the area that we went to consisted of three different reservoirs in the high elevation of the Pikes Peak Tollway.  The first reservoir we went to produced no fish.  Even after several hours, neither of us experienced even a bite on our lines.  Even though it was very peaceful, in spite of several others also out fishing, we still wanted to catch a little action on the lines that we had cast into the water.  After about four hours, we decided to go up the road to one of the other reservoirs. 

We set out to a spot on this body of water.  As we walked along the bank, we passed a couple of guys and inquired how the fishing was.  They replied that they had only caught two fish and that they had been out there for several hours.  Still determined to enjoy our time, my wife and I set up on a nice spot, baited our hooks, and cast out into the waters.  Within minutes, I had a bite!  While reeling in my line, I could tell that the fish wasn’t very large but, it was still putting up a little resistance.  Several seconds later, I had landed my first trout!  A beautiful rainbow trout.  Not long after, my wife also caught one…then a second one!  As much as this bit of action stirred me up, it would be the last of the catch that we would see, that day.

What is a successful day?  Yes!  It was a beautiful day to spend outdoors with my wife.  Guys, let’s face it.  How often do you come along a lovely woman that is willing to spend a day out fishing with you AND enjoy it?  That made the day a blessing in itself.  The added blessing was, after a lot of patience and vigilance, I received a catch.  It was only one trout but, I had caught it, nonetheless.  That experience became my first lesson into the world of trout fishing.  I am on the rode to learning about this new species, which will become my “bread and butter” living in a state where there are rivers and streams brimming with this species of fish.

Fishing offers one of the greatest biblical lessons, in my opinion: vigilance.  The act of remaining in one place for a long period of time, remaining alert and attentive to your surroundings.  When it comes to the art of fishing, vigilance is the difference between catching a fish and mindlessly letting one get away.  While I set out with the mindset of bringing in a full bag, I will not be discouraged if I made a worthy attempt and was not able to catch my limit.  Life doesn’t always allow those opportunities.  Most times, we need to stay in that one spot, give it due time, before moving on.  Leaving that one position, or situation too soon may cause a missed opportunity.  Staying around for too long, you may miss a definite opportunity elsewhere. 

How do you know whether to move or not?  Through time, patience, alertness, and understanding.  It won’t happen overnight.  It won’t happen in a few days.  It will be a while before I will be learned enough to be considered an intermediate, or expert trout angler.  I am enjoying the training and knowledge that comes with bettering oneself in a particular field, or situation. 

God gives us these abilities so that we may hone our talents.  Most importantly, to hone being the best, attentive Christians that we can be.  The learning does not end.  God calls us to be “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).  This type of fishing means learning how to catch a variety of “species” of mankind.  We catch one but, those methods don’t work for another.  We must continue to keep our senses in tune to our surroundings, pay close attention to everything, and try different methods if we hope to be successful anglers for God.

Tear Down to Build Up

"See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant."  Jeremiah 1:10

My backyard looks like a terrible Greek tragedy!  Rock piles!  Clumps of dug up earth!  Uneven ground!  It’s less than pretty.  My wife and I have a plan: WE WANT MORE GRASS GROWING!!  To do that, all the rocks must go.  The concrete walkway (which is also uneven) has to be dug up and hauled out.  The ground needs to be tilled up for fresh soil to mix in.  Then, laying down new sod.  There’s a LOT of work to be done.  Every day, the yard looks just a little worse.  Ground zero!  However, this step is vital.  We cannot create the vision that we have until we tear down what is already there.

Why must one tear down before they can build?  Think about it.  Can you build a new house over an existing house?  Of course not.  Can you build a beautiful deck over an old, rotting one?  Not without having a poor looking result.  Can you install new parts to your car and still keep the old pieces intact?  It just doesn’t work that way.  Let’s go one step further:  Can you be born into the life of your Savior, without dying first to the sinful life?  Futile.

If the old remains, it could ruin the new.  I could find shortcuts to creating a beautiful yard.  Let’s face it, it won’t last.  I will have trouble properly maintaining it.  It will create more problems down the road.  I want to create it once, then enjoy it.  If anything, making additions, as we see fit, will be easier to do.  Should it be any different on how we create our lives?

I would love to say that once you commit yourself to Christ and our immersed into the waters of baptism, then you are in great shape.  I think my fellow Christians know that isn’t true.  Many start out strong.  However, instead of clearing away their old lives, they attempt to build new pieces to what is already there.  The foundation isn’t solid and won’t support the new life.  We should ensure that we have totally torn down our old lives, making sure that we have removed every board and nail that we previously used to construct our daily lives.  We need to be able to begin again with an empty plot, so to speak.  Only then, can we start fresh.  A new beginning to a new life. 

While our yard may not look like we want, now; we do look forward to what it will become, with proper time, planning, and care.