These Old Boots


     “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.  For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion.  But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.  Furthermore, if two lie down together they keep warm, but how can one be warm alone?  And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him.  A cord of these strands is not quickly torn apart.”  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

    These old boots.  Dirty.  Dingy.  The leather was scuffed up by countless days of stomping around the ground, being covered with kicked up clouds of dirt and cut grass.  Signs of wear and tear starting to show.  What a comfortable pair of boots. 
     I believe everyone can relate to what I am saying.  Now, it may not be a pair of footwear, but we all have something that is “broken in”, perfect the way it is.  Nothing is meant to change about it.  It is part of our comfort zone.  We like it the way it is, just because.  Change is not required.  Like an old, tattered blanket it has stood up through the test of time and still keeps us warm.  Why would we want to mess that up?  The answer is: there comes a time when that particular “comfort” no longer applies.
     While I am definitely going through the process of vast changes in my life: relocation to another state (I’ve never lived anywhere outside of Texas), adjustment to a new house, and more importantly becoming part of a new family.  As wonderful and exciting as all of that is, there are some things about the “old pair of boots” that just won’t fit into this new life.  What I am referring to is the comfort zone of how we function, both mentally and psychologically.  The willingness to leave behind the life of “being single” to begin a life of “togetherness.”  It takes a realization that everything that has scuffed and layered upon those old boots cannot remain.  Those factors may have made those boots comfortable for the wearer, given the circumstances, but they just won’t last in the new situation.
     What do we do then?  Do we toss the boots out?  Not necessarily.  As I spent time, one day last week, cleaning and re-polishing these boots, I was learning a valuable lesson about myself.  I meticulously worked the saddle soap into the leather, overlapping strokes with the cleaning brush.  I observed how the soap and brush began to sweep away the bits of earth that had obscured the true outer layer of the leather.  I noticed how much difference there was, the part that was being cleaned versus the untouched surfaces.  I was brushing away everything that was hiding what was underneath.  Then, I applied the polish.  Now, the polish wasn’t to change the surface into something different.  It was merely applied to enhance the original color.  The polish hid the scuff marks that worked their way into the surface.  The result: a restoration of the boots’ natural look.  While still bearing signs of wear, they had that familiar shine, nothing blocking that from view.
     I removed everything that had set the precedent of those leather creations, creating a clean slate.  In looking forward to uniting hearts of a family, I needed to go back to my “natural form”, not allowing everything that tended to hide my emotional and psychological self from rising to the surface.  Let’s face it: being married and hiding your true emotions from your spouse…NOT COOL!
     As looking to God renews our spirit (Isaiah 40:31, Romans 12:2), allow your spouse to renew your true nature.  Moving forward, you will make new marks upon those old boots.  They will be different from what covered them before.  Also, remember that you both will need to take time to clean and polish, from time to time.  That will help you stay true to yourself and to your spouse. 

The Grand Finale


     “You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man is to be handed over for crucifixion.”  Matthew 26:2

     People attempt to rationalize God in human terms, causing them to sway from what God expects them to utilize in wisdom.  God intended for us to remember the time when Jesus was crucified.  Why?  That was the turning point in the war between good and evil.  It was a significant part that was God’s plan, to show Satan that he cannot defeat God’s plan.  In His death, Jesus gained a great victory over Satan, canceling our debt and rendering the corrupt rulers and authorities powerless (Colossians 2:14-15).  All they succeeded in was destroying a body, a physical form.  It released Jesus from His human limits, having already fulfilled the necessity of taking a human form.  Having understood what it meant to be a human (Heb. 5:7-9) He was fulfilling the one ultimate purpose: to become our Salvation (Heb. 2:9, Matt. 26:26-28, 1 John 3:8, Matt. 20:28).  Clearly, throughout the scriptures, God promised salvation, a second chance.
     Jesus is remembered for the many wondrous works that He performed, while on Earth.  He healed many, converted new believers, and taught valuable lessons.  Again, His legacy was not to come, until the end.  All of these were a prelude to His one, true purpose:  Defeat Satan and show us the pathway to Heaven.  This is why we are allowed to understand when it took place.  As important as it is for us to remember every day, God gave us the opportunity to mark the time that it actually took place.  We know that His arrest, trial, and crucifixion happened in the days leading to the Passover (Matt. 26:2, Mark 14:1, Luke 22:1, John 18:39).  In our calendar, Jesus died on the preparation of the Sabbath, a Friday.  The Friday before Passover.  Passover is marked as the 15th day of the second month; late April by today’s calendar.  The bible also states that He died at approximately 3:00pm; the equivalent to the Julian calendar’s ninth hour of the day (Matt. 27:45-50, Mark 15:33-37).  This was God’s crucial moment to burn into the memory of the people.
     Now, let’s look at the date of Jesus’s birth.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Jesus was born on…anyone?  Anyone?  Of course, the room should be silent because, there is no answer.  Yes, we have a holiday (my favorite) that people use to celebrate His birth.  Where did they come up with that date?  Not the bible.  Why?  We were not meant to know the time of His birth.  God put His Son on this earth to fulfill the promise of salvation.  That happened at the end of Jesus’s earthly life, not the beginning.  Human nature causes people to try to solve or declare the time our Savior was born.  Truthfully speaking, God doesn’t want that information in my head.  He never intended for me to celebrate His Son’s birthday.  He intended for me to follow His teachings and put to good use the purpose of His suffering. 
     When it comes right down to it, what should we be reminded of?  I believe that the scriptures remind me that I have an opportunity for Jesus to intervene on my behalf.  I have the choice to live as God has commanded, so that Jesus will stand in front of me, at the day of my judgement, hiding my flawed spirit and showing only His purity to the Father. 
     Amen anyone?

Parenthood: Then & Now

     “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6

     I will admit, I don’t necessarily agree with most parenting tactics in today’s world.  It has changed a lot.  It is common for a child not to say “Yes sir” or “Yes ma’am” in the manner that my generation and generations before were brought up to say.  If I had ever responded to my parents with a “Yeah”, I might not have been here today to right this article.  Ok, my parents wouldn’t have been that severe but, many of you can relate to what I am saying.  I witness kids being allowed to speak to adults as if they were on the same level.  They are allowed to address other adults by their first name.  The only way that I could have addressed adults that way was by placing “Mr.” or “Mrs.” In front of it.  Kids are allowed to think that it is acceptable to interrupt conversations, whenever they feel like it, or "demand" things from their parents. 
     I have witnessed parents trying to act more like their child’s buddy than a parent.  Instead of showing a finality in direction, some parents resort to light-hearted jestering.  Many times, I've noticed that while some parents do not have the proper control over their own kids, another adult can quickly get that same child to mind them.  How is a child expected to show respect to that sort of parental authority?  We wonder why there is a lack of good parental skills when we start changing some essential child-raising skills.  
     I’m not saying that an individual is a bad parent because of this.  It’s the collective whole that I am referring to.  I think many parents do it because it’s what everybody else does.  Hmmm.  I guess that I would prefer that my child stands out a little, from the crowd.  It would make me proud knowing that others view my child(ren) as having more courteous mannerisms.  In general, I’d love to see more of these directions taught to the children of today.  It shows that to gain respect you must be willing to give respect.  It also continues to establish the adults as the authority figure. I believe that, while these small things, in themselves, do not seem to be problematic; they can connect to form larger problems.
     Children have their peers.  They talk, respond, and think in a particular way with their peers.  It is the same with adults.  Our behaviorisms are different when responding to our peers than they are with the younger crowd, as it should be.  Again, it establishes a continual growth process.  I won’t understand many things as my grandparents did until, at the very least, I have lived the long, full lives that they have.  Only then can I view the world in a way that is level to how they have seen it, in their last years.
     Being a former teacher, I have witnessed a truth in much research regarding what children really want.  They want a structured, disciplined life.  They long for established rules and consistency in following them.  They long for being giving consequences for doing what is right, and consequences for doing something wrong.  If we aren’t setting these rules and structures for them while they are young, how can we expect them to learn it when we pass the torch over to them?  If they are to fail as adults, we would only have ourselves to blame.  Our kids deserve better than that, don’t you think?
     Do what you know is right, in your heart and in the sight of God, when it comes to the raising of your kiddos.  God’s opinion matters most, not the norm of the crowd.