A Nation On Fire

     "For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations.  As you have done, it will be done to you.  Your dealings will return on your own head."  Obadiah 1:15

     Has this nation of ours lost its greatness?  What was once glorious and splendid, is now in deep peril.  Do you feel it?  You have corruption bleeding from the top down.  Those officials that are sworn to "...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States", are doing just the opposite.  They are promoting sin.  Illegal immigrants are being allowed to live off of the people.  Laws are enforced to allow same-sex marriages.  Now, the government is debating on transgender restrooms?  WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY???
     This country is sick.  It has been infected with immorality.  It is plagued with transgression.  What is worse, people are believing "since the government is allowing it, it MUST be right."  I hear the voice of God saying, "I AM THE WAY".  The further we, as a nation, turn from that one concept, the deeper into destruction, our country will fall.
     Last week, I was reading the book of Amos and a very sobering thought came to mind.  Amos speaks of God destroying a nation, Israel....HIS PEOPLE!  They were choosing to follow their own beliefs, instead of following God.  The Father decided that it was time to bring His children to their knees, so they may remember whom has provided for them.  Using a tender hand, no longer worked.  It was time to show the hardness.  Read Amos 7-9. Punishment had to be set. 
     Wow!  Does that thought bring a chill to anyone else?  The Israelites, the people that God has pulled out of many dangers, protected them from any outside peril.  They were now going to feel a wrath for defying those blessings from their Protector.  That though sends chills up my spine!  It is saying that NO ONE (individual or nation), is above God's judgement.  No one will be able to use the excuse: "The government made it a law.  THEY said it was alright..."  What is the government compared to the might of God?  After all, it was God that created the government.  It was God that led the people to this land, to create a new government.  It was God that steeled the will of those oppressed people that risked everything to seek the new land.  IT WAS GOD! 
     Now, you know what I love about the concept of the mythical phoenix?  A magnificent bird that burst into flames, when it is time for it to die.  Out of the ashes, the phoenix is reborn.  THAT is a definite truth.  History has shown that the worst has to happen, before a rising can take place. 
     Richard Evans once stated, "It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars."  Yes, I feel that this nation is still going to crumble.  I fear that the worse hasn't come, yet.  However, I also firmly believe that God's children will unite to raise this nation, to her former grace.  Just as the phoenix must die in fire, in order to be reborn, strong and healthy; so must this nation do the same.  We need to be prepared to lift her up.  We need to be ready, armed with the word of God, when He appoints the time to bring this country back to Him. 
     Not only do individuals need God.  Entire nations need Him.  He has already shown that He will exact judgement over entire nations.  Why do we want to challenge that?
Think about it.
"The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained." 
                                                                                 - George Washington, in his First
                                                                                   Inaugural Address

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