The Shadow Knows

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh will reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”  Galatians 6:7-8

While spending a day at my grandparents’ farm, I hit pay dirt!  I found a collection of old radio broadcasts, on cassette tapes.  Gunsmoke!  The Green Hornet!  Fibber McGee & Molly!  Sherlock Holmes!  I was a kid in the candy store!  I had known about these broadcasts through my family, even listened to a few syndicated broadcasts of Dragnet with my brother.  Having these priceless treasures to listen to, I couldn’t have asked for more. 

My favorite of these old broadcasts was (and still is) The Shadow.  I managed to start collecting more of this series on tape (20 broadcasts).  The crime-solving vigilante, with the ability to “cloud men’s minds”, rendering himself invisible.  He’s just plain cool!  “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?  The Shadow knows!”  I loved hearing that phrase, following the eerie theme song of The Spinning Wheel.  At the end of several of the shows, another line was often spoken by The Shadow: “As you sow evil, so shall you reap evil.”  Sounds like the words in Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, doesn’t it?

Quite true that Paul and the fictitious Shadow, were saying the same thing: whatever choices you make from within your heart, and equal result will befall you.  If you choose to live a life of deceit, corruption, greed, and sinful pleasures; you can expect greed, corruption, deceit, etc. to happen to you in return.  No good will come of it.  Allowing evil to dwell in our hearts will only envelope our lives in a world that only knows evil.  The result is…well, a scorching hot outcome!

The good news is, we don’t have to look forward to that end.  We can choose to do what is desirable by God: honesty, respect, helping others, following God’s command to the letter, spreading His message and Light.  By sowing these choices, making these spiritual habits the very essence that lives inside of us, will lead us to the Promised Land.  It will lead us to that spectacular dwelling that God created, of which the apostle John was allowed to see and record for us; giving us a glimpse of the glory to come (see Revelation).  Here come those goosebumps I get every time I think about what John saw.  I want to end up there!  I want to reap a good harvest, after planting good seeds in good soil! 

Remember this, you may be able to hide certain wrongful actions and desires from those around you but God, as The Shadow says, KNOWS!

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