Hearing The Call: An Ocean’s Story, Part 2

“There is the sea, great and broad, in which are swarms without number, animals both small and great.  There the ships move along, and Leviathan, which You have formed to sport in it.  They all wait for You to give them their food in due season.  You give to them, they gather it up; You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good.”  Psalm 104: 25-28

Mother, Mother Ocean, I have heard you call.  I wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall.  You’ve seen it all.  You’ve seen it all.  Watch the men who rode you, switch from sails to steam.  And in your belly, you hold the treasure that few have ever seen.  Most of them dreams.  Most of them dreams.

Whether gazing out over the Gulf of Mexico or taking in the ongoing horizons of the Pacific, these lyrics from Jimmy Buffett’s A Pirate’s Look at Forty drifts into my mind.  It is within those words that holds my amazement for this enormous frontier.  There is so much history to be learned from it.  Cut across its surface, and far beneath, lie hundreds of stories of what has unfolded, in the course of time.

  Within these waters, tales of those who first sought to explore uncharted territory.  Chapters have been written of those that set out looking for the New World, not knowing if they would ever see land again.  Personal adventures of everyone that first braved turbulent storms and violent waves; a true test of their mettle.  Accounts of numerous battles that took place across expanse of blue in hopes of claiming fortune and glory.  Novels about the first steamers sent on maiden voyages, going much further than their predecessors.  Sagas of steel machines created to explore the depths below.  Not to mention the mysteries of the ships and lives that have been claimed in Davy Jones’ Locker. 

That is just part of the story.  What about the creatures that reside beneath Earth’s largest biome?  While there are many aquatics that we mankind has studied, there are more undiscovered mysteries.  While it would be partly terrifying, I would love to be part of a voyage to explore the deepest realms and make new discoveries in the one frontier that has not totally been explored before. 

These tales are whispered to me through the winds that come off the waters as I sit on the shores, at total peace with my surroundings.  The waves roll toward me, the water stretches out along the sands, reaching out to pique my curiosity, before receding back to the deep.  The salty air lends a seasoned taste for my consciousness to want more of it, to unlock its countless treasures.  It is a thirst that I know I cannot quench in my lifetime.

Much like the sensations that the oceans give me, so our eternal Father gives us a taste of His endlessly flowing fountain.  As I sat, staring out on these ranges of wonder, I marvel at the works of the Creator.  Without His hand, I would not be enjoying this moments of peace and harmony.  God desires that we should remember, daily, who created the surroundings that we get to enjoy.  Whether it’s the high mountains or the lush green forests, birds in the air or the largest mammals in the oceans; it is He who made it all.  Reflect on Him and He will unlock countless treasures for you.

“Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; as for me, I shall be glad in the Lord.”  Psalm 104:34

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