What Will She Be?

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10

What will she be?  This is a question that has been consistently on my mind, since my wife and I found out that we would be having a baby girl.  Which of her mom’s features will she have?  Will she have my stubbornness?  Will she have her mother’s beautiful singing voice?  Will she love braving the wild outdoors with her old man?  Bedtime stories?  First bicycle ride?  Crayon drawings?  So many visions to think about.  If all goes according to (God’s) plan, we will begin to find out in just a few days.

My wife has expressed how she is anxious to see me holding our daughter.  To be honest, this is a moment that I have long waited for.  Feelings of warmth, happiness, nervousness, and worry; everything that a parent could expect to feel, right?  If I were to attempt to describe everything that I have been feeling, I would fail.  At times, I would be in total peace.  Other times, I feel like my head it going to pop with every thought racing around in my brain. 

Then, another thought struck me:  What does God already have planned for my little girl?  You see, I have been repeatedly praying that God will help me to raise her as He expects me to and I’m pretty sure my wife has been praying the same thing, for herself.  But, what does God plan to do with her?  Wow!  I had to take a moment there to let the goosebumps settle!  Here I am with all these wonders and speculations, while God already sees her entire life!  (Feel free to drop a hint or two, Lord.)  I hope to show my daughter some of the experiences that I had growing up.  I look forward to her grandmother teaching her many wonderful things.  I pray that I can take her hiking to some of the beautiful surroundings that I have seen and show her just a little of the wonderful things that God has created, and to teach her how to have her own relationship with Him. 

To all you parents out there, may God help you to guide your children in His ways.  I ask that you say a prayer for us, as we prepare for our new, blessed arrival.

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