Need a Lift? – Take Flight: Part 1

But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.”  Revelation 12:14

Living near several military installations (especially the Air Force installations) it is no surprise that I often see numerous military aircraft taking off or landing from the nearby Peterson AFB.  I especially love to see the large C-130 Hercules in use.  That is a pretty large tub to be flying around in the air.  Then, I was curious as to what the current largest aircraft the U.S. military uses.  If the information is correct, the winner is the C-5M Super Galaxy (The second largest aircraft in the world.  Again, if the research is correct.) 
Standing at a little over 5 stories tall (61.5 ft.) and a little over 247 ft. in length.  Now, an American football field is 360 ft. including the end zones.  That would mean that the C-5M would take up a little over HALF of the length of the field.  Also, with a wingspan of 222 ft. (WOW!) A single C-5M can carry SIX AH-64 Apache helicopters, OR a couple of M1 Abrams Tanks, OR even the fuselage of that C-130 that I mentioned earlier.  Still having a little trouble guessing just how large this big turkey is?  The Super Galaxy can carry 6 Greyhound buses, or about 100 model 113 Volkswagen Beetles (Hello, “Love Bug”!).  Apart from the flight crew, this floating behemoth can carry about 358 troops.  You get the picture?
How in the world can something that huge, carrying those sorts of payload ever get off the ground?  It is a modern wonder of technology, to say the least.  Without going into the specifications, it takes a lot of power to get this big boy off the ground and into the air.  Though, at first glance, it may appear to be next to impossible, it happens.
What does this have to do with Christianity?  I’m glad you asked!  The first part of this Take Flight series, I want to quickly focus on what it takes to “get off the ground” spiritually.  As the Super Galaxy needs a LOT of engine power to get off the ground, we need a lot of GOD POWER to lift ourselves up. 
Isn’t it easy to come up with excuses for not being able to get that spiritual payload off the ground?  “I’m too busy to read my Bible.”  “After a long day, I don’t want to go to the study group.”  “There is already plenty of help serving lunch to the elderly.”  Have you heard that before?  Have you said that before?  Sounds like a whiny kid, doesn’t it?  Nonetheless, haven’t we been guilty of those excuses, at some point?  We become as spectacular as that huge plane, sitting on the ground…a big, glorified paperweight!  No Bueno!  So, what can we do about it?  How can we get those engines up to full throttle?
For starters, James 4:10 tells us to humble ourselves before God and He will lift us up.  In other words, we need to admit that we are meek and lowly without God.  It is through Him only, that we have the necessary power to lift our spirits up to a level that we can conquer whatever challenges head our way.  Also, this shows a clear sign of respect to our Heavenly Father, at a level that no other being can receive.  We acknowledge God as our Supreme Creator.  Admitting that we need God to take control in our lives will enable us to further pursue God’s influence in our hearts and minds.
Also, those that are actively seeking God will also rise high.  Psalm 113:7 reminds us that the needy will be lifted up.  We need to keep a constant hunger for God’s word within us.  Granted, several of us may be able to quote biblical passages all day but, we should never cease to reread and study deeper in the knowledge that God has provided for us.  We should continue to long for the pure milk of God’s Word (1 Peter 2:2).  When we take time to read and study, we are allowing God to add the spiritual fuel that it will take to get us off the ground. 
Will power is another key component needed to take flight.  God instructs us to take a “go and do it” attitude.  God’s mission for us is to be teachers and servants, to pass on His message and be helpful.  Take a few moments to read Hebrews 6:10, Mark 10:45, Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20, and Acts 20:35, to list a few.  What are the two basic commands that God gives us in those passages?  Teach and serve.  In other words, get the lead out of your tail pipe and get moving!  That big aircraft is not going to get off the ground if it doesn’t fire up those engines.  Neither will our spirits gain new heights if we aren’t pushing ourselves to follow God’s plan for us.
We need to ensure that we make time, with our families, to talk to God and study together.  Hey, we are all guilty of it.  We just need to work at it and not let the excuses flow.  We need to find the willingness within ourselves to actively spread what we learn and to help others when they are in need. 

Father, may You help us find our humility in Your eyes, to know that we need You every hour of every day.  Help us to long for Your wisdom and knowledge, and give us the will to pass it on to others.  Give us what we need to get off the ground and to soar high for others to see and want to be part of.  In Your Son, Amen.

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