Don’t you love to read about the magnificent things done with faithful people of long past? Do you remember these names: Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego? Men who were given great intelligence and clairvoyance to interpret dreams. Men whom were put into the service of the king yet, kept their service to God first.
They elected to turn down certain provisions from the king, in order to remain true to what God had commanded them. Many of the kings company did not like the fact that they worshiped anyone other than the king.
Later, the men tricked the king so that Daniel would be cast into a den of lion’s, for serving God. To the king’s relief, Daniel was untouched by the lions. (Daniel chapter 6)
The king could see that these men were protected by a higher power and sought to lend his protection to these men, from those who would want to see them discredited.
How strong is your faith? I hear a lot of talk but, ask yourself: How strong is my faith? Would it stand strong even in the opening of a blazing furnace, or the den of savage lions? Or would it buckle under the pressure of self-preservation? This is a true test of faith. If someone held a gun to your head today, because you serve God, what would you do? Tough decision when put on the spot, right?
Remember this: the final goal is eternal salvation in God’s Kingdom. Ask yourself, today: How strong is my faith, and can I make it stronger?
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