WHY would anyone want to go rock climbing? Putting one's trust in a rope and a few metal wedges, to keep from falling hundreds of feet....are you insane??? Of course not!
Why do it, then? It is a challenge, pure and simple. It is a test of endurance. A test of strength. A test of courage and character. Hmm, this sounds a little like what Paul was writing to Corinth, doesn't it?
If we want to build ourselves up, we need to step up and face the challenges! God never said, "Hey, choose a life in Me and I will make everything easy for you." Instead, He tells us that we are going to be tested. We are going to struggle. We are going to suffer. (Revelation 2:10) God puts our faith to the test. He wants us to look forward, with each challenge that we have faced, pushing onward to the next challenge. With each trial conquered, the more prepared we are for the next one. After a while, we become the "experts" in facing challenges. We delight in God's power and look for the victory that is gained through service to Him. (Revelation 2:6, 3:21)
Do not fear what lies ahead of you. Instead, put your complete faith in the Father. Only then, will you reach the summit of glory and stand on the highest peaks, in God's light.
Great article! Definitely rock climbing right now...can't wait to reach the top and look down at how far I've come!