God Makes Good Stuff

"The Lord merely spoke and the heavens were created. He breathed a word and the stars were born....For when He spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command." Psalm 33:6-9

I am in awe at God's creation. God makes good stuff! How do I know? The proof is in these photos and dozens more, of what I have seen with my own eyes.  

So much beauty and wonder....and I haven't even scratched the surface on the beauty of this planet.  I have traveled to several state parks while living in Texas and have been adding on since moving to Colorado.  I have gazed out on the waters of the Pacific and the Gulf, not to mention countless lakes and rivers.  There is so much more I want to explore, this time with my family!

If anything, my "bucket-list" is filled with one simple concept: explore more of God's creation. I may never be able to get my journey staff filled to the bottom (for those that don't know, I keep a record of my travels on a walking stick) but, I sure am enjoying trying to set as many notches in it as I can.

As one of my favorite devotional songs, from my youth group days, says:

"Tall mountains, green valleys, the beauty that surrounds me; all make me aware of the One who made it all!"

Below are just a few photos of what I have seen through my own eyes.  I hope you are able to enjoy them especially, at this time when we must stay in our homes to help heal our planet.

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