Life Out There...

“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible."  Hebrews 11:3 

I love science fiction! Anyone who knows me, knows that concept. I'm also a dreamer of real possibilities, of reaching beyond what is right in front of us. God created the universe, with all of it's galaxies, solar systems, and planets. Alpha Centauri, is the closest solar system, to us, making it's binary stars (suns) the closest stars to us, except for our own sun, of course. What's it like in that system, I wonder, sometimes. Is there another "earth"? Other civilizations out there? It's hard to imagine that we represent the ONLY life in the entire expanse. 

I will never be the captain of a new ship, capable of faster than light speed, to explore "strange, new worlds". I won't be aboard a massive station, in "neutral space" where diverse species will meet. I'm not a half-human, half-alien, with two hearts, traveling around, with a robotic dog, eating "jelly-babies", to other regions. Nor, am I from a system trying to find the mythical "earth" after the massive destruction of my own system. (If you caught all of these, give yourself a pat on the back!)

Regardless of who or what is out there, I remember one thing. God took the time, in ALL of this, to create a little speck like me. In all His continued watch over everything that He created, He still is able to tend to me, personally.
When you put things in that perspective, how can you not just say, "WOW!"

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