Only One Truth

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."  John 1:14

"Listen to me, the other guy is terrible, I'm the best one for the job....blah, blah, blah."  Anyone else tired of the constant political ads?  Tired of the smearing of an opponent in order to boost one's own (and very flawed) image?  It seems that the best way to win your vote is by trash-talking the other candidate.  Can we stoop any lower than that?  Everyone claims that they are right.  Everyone swears by the "truth".  Who can you trust and does it just end with the political arena?  No!

Here's one for you:  Who do you trust with the biblical answers?  Sure, there are plenty of biblical scholars out there.  You can call them a preacher, teacher, pastor, minister, reverend but, does that put them on an authoritative pedestal?  Certainly not.  Some may act as if they are His authority but, when it comes down to it they are merely simple men trying their best to interpret God's Word, without adding or taking away, as best as they can.  That's what it should be, anyway.  My old preacher would readily admit, in any sermon, when he is putting his best opinion to a scripture.  "According to the book of Lonnie...", I would remember him saying.  My friend, that performed the wedding ceremony for Megan and I, would say that as a pastor, he is still learning and doesn't have everything just perfect.  I admire those that are in these positions that also know humility.   They don't speak with a forked tongue.  There is no "I KNOW the bible better than you so, you're just wrong!"  There are some issues that are very plain and don't require someone to explain it to you.  Other issues will take some deeper exploration.  However, everyone is fallible.  No one is perfect.  This is what can make or break new Christians.  

In a world where political leaders and biblical leaders tend to have their own views that they call "the truth", there is one hope:  The Truth - God's Word.  Who better to go to when you need honest answers to your questions?  Your pastor or preacher?  Your representative, or governor?  Sure, you want to be able to turn to them for many situations.  However, not all questions were meant to be answered by a simple human.  The most important questions won't be answered that way.  Not accurately, anyway.  I don't even like when someone asks me if I "think" this way or that way about a question of their salvation.  I'll tell them what the bible says and they must figure out the answer from that.  They may not like what they hear but, I'm just quoting the bible and I'll leave the interpreting to them.  

God has all of your answers.  He will always be honest.  He will never deceive you.  He will NEVER be the wolf in sheep's clothing.  Follow your heart when it comes to the important decisions in life.  After all, if we are carrying God in our hearts, how can we go wrong when we use that to guide our understanding of His Word?

1 comment:

  1. Exactly and while God will never be a wolf in sheep's will. Beware!
