In My Baby’s Eyes

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  Psalm 139:13-16

She locks her eyes to mine and just holds that unbroken gaze for what feels like an eternity.  I can’t turn away from it, nor do I choose to.  I am being read; analyzed in a very simplistic manner.  I feel that the pages of my life, revealed behind my eyes, are being studied.  I am an open book, vulnerable to scrutiny. 

What I am referring to are the moments that I hold my baby girl in my arms and she fixes her eyes to mine.  She has a deep look when that happens.  She doesn’t look away and hardly blinks.  The connection is established, and it is fixed.  Typically, they end with her giving me a heart-warming smile, as if she was saying that she found what she was searching for inside me.  Those are my favorite moments with her.  A form of communication and connection that needs no words or explanation.  It just is.

When I reflect on these moments, the words that the Psalmist wrote rings loudly to me.  However, I am not relating them to how our heavenly Father created this wonderful little girl; rather, it is how God created me.  I often wonder about how my role as a daddy will unfold but, God already knows.  It is how he stitched me together while I was still being formed.  It is the very fabric that I feel my daughter looks for when she looks deeply into my eyes.  How simple and beautiful is the mind of a little baby.  As simple as it is, she seems to find the complex answers inside of me.  Any parent that has experienced this bonding moment with their own children, may agree. There is something deeper going on.  A search for security, strength, and assurance that we (as parents) are going to give them the best of us that we can.  When my little girl finally shows that big, happy grin it is as if she is saying, “There!  I found it inside you, Daddy!”  I feel that, in some way, she knows how I will be as a parent better than I know, myself.  What an amazing feeling of assurance that it gives me!

The trail of life that I am traveling, has changed in the challenges that lie ahead.  God continues to provide all the supplies, knowledge, and expertise I need to face these challenges of parenthood that are in my (and my wife’s) future.  I don’t know how every challenge will be met, or what the results will be; though God does.  I do know that I look forward to every step that lies ahead!  How wonderfully mysterious God can be, utilizing my little baby to inspire me to venture forward into the unknown, to take on whatever God has prepared for me.  I ask God to continue to guide me, that I may be able to lead my family with the confidence and wisdom that He expects out of me...and that He had already created in me.

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