The Vast Blue: An Ocean’s Story, Part 1

“So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.”  Ephesians 3:17-19

Over sixty-two million miles covers forty-six percent of Earth’s surface.  With the deepest point reaching over seven miles below the surface, it is no surprise why the Pacific is the largest ocean.  A weekend ago, I had the opportunity to see it for the very first time, and I was just looking out at it from a beach.  What small portion that I did view absolutely filled me up.  While I grew up riding the surface and fishing freshwater lakes, I have always maintained an admiration for the vast oceans.  It fills me to the brink and I can contain the entire ocean within me.

Obviously, I am referring to the essence of the ocean, not the water itself.  Everything about these beautiful and pristine tides, I can pack down deep inside of me.  The majesty.  The mysteries.  The bountiful life.  While there is so much of it, a lot still beyond my own comprehension, I can still wrap myself around it all.  If I can do that, I can hold something even larger.  What could possibly be larger than the oceans?  God’s love!

From the moment that we choose to live a life in God’s light, we choose to put God inside of us.  Once we have repented of our old ways, confessed to the grace of Christ’s sacrifice for us, and our baptized and cleansed of our sins, we open ourselves up so that God may step inside.

How is this possible?  God is so much bigger than us!  How can a being that vast fit inside a tiny thing like me?  We are God’s vessels.  2 Corinthians 4:7 refers to us as “earthen vessels” (or clay jars) that is filled with a power that can only come from God, not ourselves.  Unlike most containers that we may use in our day to day lives, these vessels have no lid to close it.  That only serves as a block and limit of what we can contain.  As is, we are made to be open.  Open to God’s amazing power and His unbounded love. 

Another name is given for that divine being destined to live inside of us: The Holy Spirit.  It is the essence of Christ.  It is the part that opens to allow the works of Christ to come forth out of us.  It allows us to extend His love to others and not turn away in someone’s time of need.  It is an endless ocean, from which the waters will never run down. 

There are times that we all create some sort of stopper to bottle up our personal vessels.  That is poisonous to our hearts and dangerous for our spirits.  We need to ensure that we are not trying to find a way to plug up the eternal waters of God’s glory from our lives.  Instead, we need to keep making that opening even wider and let more room for His Spirit to dwell.

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