The Grand Finale


     “You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man is to be handed over for crucifixion.”  Matthew 26:2

     People attempt to rationalize God in human terms, causing them to sway from what God expects them to utilize in wisdom.  God intended for us to remember the time when Jesus was crucified.  Why?  That was the turning point in the war between good and evil.  It was a significant part that was God’s plan, to show Satan that he cannot defeat God’s plan.  In His death, Jesus gained a great victory over Satan, canceling our debt and rendering the corrupt rulers and authorities powerless (Colossians 2:14-15).  All they succeeded in was destroying a body, a physical form.  It released Jesus from His human limits, having already fulfilled the necessity of taking a human form.  Having understood what it meant to be a human (Heb. 5:7-9) He was fulfilling the one ultimate purpose: to become our Salvation (Heb. 2:9, Matt. 26:26-28, 1 John 3:8, Matt. 20:28).  Clearly, throughout the scriptures, God promised salvation, a second chance.
     Jesus is remembered for the many wondrous works that He performed, while on Earth.  He healed many, converted new believers, and taught valuable lessons.  Again, His legacy was not to come, until the end.  All of these were a prelude to His one, true purpose:  Defeat Satan and show us the pathway to Heaven.  This is why we are allowed to understand when it took place.  As important as it is for us to remember every day, God gave us the opportunity to mark the time that it actually took place.  We know that His arrest, trial, and crucifixion happened in the days leading to the Passover (Matt. 26:2, Mark 14:1, Luke 22:1, John 18:39).  In our calendar, Jesus died on the preparation of the Sabbath, a Friday.  The Friday before Passover.  Passover is marked as the 15th day of the second month; late April by today’s calendar.  The bible also states that He died at approximately 3:00pm; the equivalent to the Julian calendar’s ninth hour of the day (Matt. 27:45-50, Mark 15:33-37).  This was God’s crucial moment to burn into the memory of the people.
     Now, let’s look at the date of Jesus’s birth.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Jesus was born on…anyone?  Anyone?  Of course, the room should be silent because, there is no answer.  Yes, we have a holiday (my favorite) that people use to celebrate His birth.  Where did they come up with that date?  Not the bible.  Why?  We were not meant to know the time of His birth.  God put His Son on this earth to fulfill the promise of salvation.  That happened at the end of Jesus’s earthly life, not the beginning.  Human nature causes people to try to solve or declare the time our Savior was born.  Truthfully speaking, God doesn’t want that information in my head.  He never intended for me to celebrate His Son’s birthday.  He intended for me to follow His teachings and put to good use the purpose of His suffering. 
     When it comes right down to it, what should we be reminded of?  I believe that the scriptures remind me that I have an opportunity for Jesus to intervene on my behalf.  I have the choice to live as God has commanded, so that Jesus will stand in front of me, at the day of my judgement, hiding my flawed spirit and showing only His purity to the Father. 
     Amen anyone?

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