Ultimate Strategy

     “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.”  1 Peter 5:8-9

     Moves and countermoves.  Cause and consequences.  Those that think chess is a boring game haven’t really experienced the game.  What other game requires such concentration?  What other sport demands a planning of so many attack/counterattack outcomes, before you make a single move?  It is a game of the mind!  A game of foreshadowing.  A game in which one attempts to outwit their opponent, forcing the other into moves of defeat.  Satan is very good at this game!
     Like moves in chess, Satan makes small moves, carefully setting all the pieces in just the right places.  A single move, alone, is not meant to draw attention.  It is often meant to distract the opponent from seeing the impending attack.  As a master player, Satan does not draw attention to himself by “boldly announcing himself.”  He is sneaky and he is very patient.  People often notice the typical “big, bad sins” and practically ALWAYS miss the small ones.  Those are the ones that Satan uses to set his plans in motion.  Small moves.  A collection of one small sin after another.  Each seemingly insignificant that it is easy for us to “excuse” it.  Then another sin is made, and another, and another.  Small moves.  A crafty plan.
     How does Satan do it?  While I have written on this subject before, I researched some various points of views, for today, and I came across an article by Todd Strandberg, Playing Chess with The Devil”, and I would like to share a section of how he described “Satan’s favorite moves”:

Divide - A standard strategy is to divide the enemy force in order to make it easier to conquer. Satan loves to create division so he can pick off the weak and weak-minded people.
Doubt - The Bible says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God." Once Satan can persuade people to question God's Word and His goodness, forgiveness, and love, he is ensured of victory.
Discourage - This strategy involves getting us to focus on our problems rather than entrusting God to provide a solution. It can also be someone else’s problem that creates discouragement in our own lives.
Diversion - Not all problems are equal. The enemy may come at us with an attack of lesser importance to distract us from his main attack. He may also distract us with good things. For example, parents may become too focused on their careers, enabling their children fall into rebellion.
Defeat - The devil is at his best when he causes people to feel so overwhelmed by failure that they don't even try to resist his onslaught. If we’re not resisting the devil, he will move in for the kill.
Delay - In the game of life, Satan wins by default. We are all born in a lost state, so unless we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we will perish. Because procrastination doesn't require doing anything, this strategy is an easy path for victory. 

      I could not have described these any better, myself. 
     How does God win this game?  Easily, it has already been won.  Victory was made through nails piercing the hands and feet of our Savior.  Jesus defeated Satan by conquering death and rising up, three days later.  So, why does Satan continue?  It is a futile attempt, right? 
     On the one hand, it is futile because, it is a game that Satan cannot win.  However, he can set up the pieces to be sacrificed by his deceptive moves. While he has no chance of winning the war, Satan is attempting to triumph over the small battles.  Those are fought on the individual level, one person at a time.  That is what we must allow God to use us to fight against.  Yes, God will win this war.  Whether God wins this, with each one of us still standing on His side of the board, entirely depends on us allowing Him to move us as He will; forcing Satan to relinquish his hold over us. 
     Whose hands are controlling your moves?  Is it the hand of one who practices “world views”, accepting practices contrary to the Bible, and making excuses for remaining publicly silent?  Or, is it the hands of one that teaches the truth and light, giving us the will to stand up and publicly declare that only God’s teaching will prevail in your life?
     Think about it.

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