Who Is Going to Do It?

     "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The EVERLASTING God, the Lord, Creator of the ends of the earth. Neither faints nor is tired. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak and to those that have no might, He gives strength.... Those who wait on the Lord will renew our strength, we will soar high on wings as eagles. We will run and not be tired, walk and not faint!" Isaiah 40:28-31.

     As a Christian, I look out and see the peril that our nation is in.  Our political leaders are not using Godly morals to guide them, and the candidates of the upcoming presidential elections look no more promising, from either party.  So, what do people do?  What do they expect?  What do Christians want?
     From what I see, they want SOMEONE to fix the problem.  SOMEONE needs to stand up for God.  SOMEONE needs to stand up for the common morals that used to hold this country together.  They want SOMEONE…. but, not themselves.   It is through unity that a cause has prevailed yet, there is no unity.  There are many that are willingly standing in the shadows, in silent support.  Silent support won’t fix the problems.  Standing together, working together, and MAKING YOURSELF HEARD is the formula for making these changes to get this country turned back to God.  That SOMEONE is YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR COMMUNITY. 
     Many that claim to be believers cannot be expected to make proper decisions, when selecting candidates to govern this country.  The latest Presidential Primary Polls should attest to this.  There “belief in God” comes next to the world.  This should not be so, ever!  Paul, the apostle warns us not to become part of the world and not to allow worldly morals precede Godly morals (Ephesians chapter 5).  However, I see the exact opposite.  I see people casting aside the commands of the Bible.  I see people shrinking their beliefs, so that they will not be ridiculed.  I see people sacrifice Godly values to support the corrupted; those who would defile the word of God.  I see this and I am embarrassed.  Is this what we have become?
     I want to say to those people:  Go right ahead, and support those that disgrace the union of marriage (Genesis 2:22, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:31, 1 Corinthians 7:2, 1 Corinthians 6:9).  Submit to their lies, immoral ways, and deceit (1 Corinthians 6:10, Galatians 5:20, Ephesians 5:3).  Just remember, there will come a time when each, and every one of us will stand before God, to be judged for our actions, and sentenced accordingly. 
     God’s law supersedes any other law created by man.  That is the law in which I will be judged, one day.  My voice, my actions, and my life are going to be given to His service.  I pray that we will unite and stand in this common cause.

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