The Lord is my Compass

     “Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.  Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.  Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”  Matthew 9:35-38

     “Like sheep without a shepherd…”  Sheep are not the brightest of animals…not by a long shot.  Have you ever observed them?  I have.  Mostly, they stay close to the rest of the herd.  You’ll still find those that easily wander away from the rest and have to be coaxed back in.  Do you remember the parable of the lost sheep? (Luke 15).  Yes, they are prone to getting lost, easily.  I look at them and they just appear to be mindless creatures, to be nudged along and driven.  They would truly be in trouble without a shepherd nearby.  They need someone that is being mindful.  Someone that is paying attention to everything.  Someone who can account for every single one of them and knows when one has strayed away from the herd. 
     While we are not as mindless as sheep, do you wonder why we are compared to them?  Same reason.  No matter how intelligent or focused we are, without our Shepherd, we are just wandering around, with no sense of direction.  No purpose of belonging.  For that, I am thankful that “The Lord is my Shepherd” and I am truly without want, when He is near.  Though I am a very deep-minded person, grounded with maintaining a sense of purpose, I am just lost and walking without a path to follow.  I am like a bird that has lost its ability to navigate via the earth’s magnetic field.  I would be no better than a bad that could no longer use echolocation, or “sonar”, for sense of direction.  The Lord is my very own, personal GPS!  I need Him to navigate!  Plain and simple.
     Now, I still like the “old school GPS”.  You know, that thing called a compass.  I utilize one every time I am out on a hiking trip.  I’m not a natural with it, I admit; however, I like the practice that I get from using it.  The more that I use it, the better I get with it.  The same is said of the “compass” that God gives to us.  We just need to open it up, read it, utilize it, and we can become more proficient with it.  Only then will it be easier to stay on course, to keep from getting lost, like a sheep.
     Let God be your Shepherd.  He will search for you, should you get lost, and bring you back in His arms.  Use the compass that is His Word, to guide you and keep you on the pathway that God has set before you.

Fair Winds and Following Seas

     And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  John 1:14

     “And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.” – excerpt from John Masefield’s poem Sea Fever
     Yes, I wonder what it must have been like to traverse the expansive oceans with nothing more than the winds to power my vessel and the stars guiding my way.  No steam or other powered engines.  No fancy GPS to figure out where I am.  Nothing more than what the earth gives me to use.  Through the hardship of the work, also comes the tranquil moments; the smell of the fresh, salty air and seeing millions of stars on a clear night.  Skills and faith to get me to where I’m going.  Does that sound good to you?  It does to me!
     We have been given the North Star, by way of God’s Word, given through His Son.  Our spiritual compass to guide us through the stormy and calm seas of life.  He instructs us on what to do when the waves become overbearing and the tempest stirs.  He shows us how to make the most of each crosswinds, taking advantage of it to push us forward on our voyage.  He trains us on how to handle each possible situation that comes along, so that we will not waver when moments of potential disaster strike. 
     As those maritime sailors of long ago, we can set sail upon the waters of life; continuing to hone and perfect our skills, so that we may be stronger after weathering the stormy seas.  With God being our guide, there are no oceans that we cannot traverse.  There is no gale that can cause us to panic.  We are in control of our emotions, and we will sail our vessels with confidence and faith in our divine Master and Commander.

The No-Sweat Plan

   “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will take care of itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  Matthew 6:33-34

     Is anyone thinking of the lyrics of Bobby McFerrin’s rendition of Don’t Worry, Be Happy, right about now?  In my case, that would be the lyrics of the country band Alabama singing, “We don’t sweat the small stuff.”  It continues to be easier to SAY not to worry, than it is to actually DO it.  I don’t think that we could really call ourselves decent, loving family people if we didn’t have are share of worries.  I don’t have any children of my own yet, I worry about my friends’ children and what kind of world that they will be forced to fill our shoes in, with paths of corruption being accepted, basic morals no longer practiced, and leaving our kids’ spiritual growth to others. 
     I have plenty on my mind to worry about.  I worry about my medical condition.  I worry about finances.  There is plenty to keep me on the “worry train”.  However, I keep hearing God’s voice, telling me, “Hey, don’t sweat the small stuff.  I’ve got this under control.”  So, while I work to find solutions, as God very much expects me to do, I don’t allow myself to wallow around the “pity pool”.  It isn’t healthy, for one thing.  Second, worrying simply means that I am not giving myself and my problems completely over to God, to manage.  All I need is a faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6).  Just enough to fill that tiniest of seeds.  A seed which flourishes into an enormous tree. 
     Does that mean that I am to sit idle and do nothing?  Of course not!  Even though I see people doing this on a regular basis, God will not drop that million-dollar lottery ticket into your hands.  You didn’t work for it, nor did you earn it; therefore, you don’t deserve it.  Many just squander it to the point that they become bankrupt.  Others, they just give it to charities so the money is in the hands of those that truly need it.  Yet, day after day, people hope to become overnight millionaires.  Where does their faith lie?  In money!  Money cures all things right?
     As Matthew 6:24 states, “You cannot serve God and wealth.”  God will not answer our financial problems with a quick-fix.  However, having that small amount of unwavering faith, God WILL NOT let us be in need.  He wants us to put forth the effort and good will come of it. The apostle Paul warns us, in his letter to the church of Thessalonica, to not be idle (2 Thessalonians 3:6-12).  The bottom line is:  God expects us to give everything our best effort and let him take care of the rest.

     Don’t sweat the small stuff.  God can handle our burdens much better than we can!

A Mountainside Lesson

     “When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him.  He opened His mouth and began to teach them…”  Matthew 5:1-2

     If I were able to travel in time, I would want to be sitting on the Mount of Olives as Jesus began to teach what came to be known as His Sermon on the Mount.  A lover of nature, I would relish being out in that setting, hearing a lesson from the Teacher, to top it off!  I couldn’t think of a better way to start the day.  I would be glued to every word, like an eager child, begging to hear more and more.  Every time I read those passages, I picture myself sitting there, actually hearing Jesus’s voice as He began speaking, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.  Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth….”  (Matthew 5:3-5)

     This was the One that had just recently spent forty days fasting and then was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11).  The Son that had John baptize Him, when He did not need to have this act performed (Matt. 3:13-17), to show how important it was for people to follow this commandment.  The same that had come across some fisherman and told them to leave their boats, nets, and livelihood behind to follow Him (Matt. 4:18-23).  Don’t you think that someone like that deserves to be heard?  I’d think so!

     Jesus covered a lot of ground, in the following two chapters.  He speaks of being disciples that are not afraid to be heard, standing up for their Father (5:13-20).  He tells us how to handle our relationships with others (5:21-48), and teaching us the importance of prayer and giving (chapter 6).  I could go on and on but, take some time to read these chapters, for yourself.  Let Jesus’s message fill your hearts today and spread those words to others.

A Father of Great Faith

“But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.  She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”  Matthew 1:20-21

     As you know, the Bible speaks of several men of faith that went out to do God’s will.  I am certain that the one that displayed the most amount of faith, was the one person in the story of Jesus’ birth, that is spoken very little about.  Joseph was a man that really had his eyes attuned to God.  Think about all that Joseph had to deal with, and accept.  It would be practically impossible to think about it, in this day and age.
     Joseph takes Mary, a virgin, to be his wife.  Then, he finds out that Mary is pregnant…. Mary, the virgin.  Joseph doesn’t make a fuss.  Instead, he plans to send Mary away, quietly.  Why?  He’s a good man and doesn’t want to openly disgrace her.  However, we find that the Lord sends an angel to pay Joseph a visit, assuring him that Mary is still a virgin, yet is carrying a child conceived from God.
     Try to imagine that nowadays.  A man’s bride-to-be is pregnant, though being a virgin.  The first instinct would be for the man to get angry, wanting to know “Who is the father?”  You get the answer, “Well, the father is…. the Father.”  How do you process THAT bit of information?  Could you be as calm as Joseph was?  I daresay that you wouldn’t.  He kept his cool (so Matthew records) and wasn’t going to make a big deal about it.  The angel steps in to reassure Joseph and he stays with Mary.  FAITH! 
     A little later, Matthew records that after Jesus’ birth, the angel of the Lord appears again to Joseph.  The Christ child’s life is in danger, due to King Herod.  Joseph takes his family away to Egypt, as instructed.  FAITH!  Surely, Joseph wasn’t prepared for all of this.  He just wanted to have a nice little family, have his work, and just have a happy and carefree life.  It takes more than an average man to willingly do what Joseph did.  He could have said, “No!  That is it!  I don’t want ANY part of this, I’m done!”  But, he didn’t.
     Joseph is a perfect example of what a father should be.  Where I grew up, we called those type of men “daddy.”  They are the ones that are willing to go the extra mile.  They follow their hearts to do what they know is the right thing to do, even if it may be difficult.  Remember the example that Joseph set, trusting in God to lead his family where he needed.

Time For Your Solo Performance

     "And perhaps you were put into position for such a time as this?"  Esther 4:14
     From the time 5th grader Timmy Gibson learned to play the trumpet, he had one wish.  That wish was, once he was in junior high, he wanted to be part of the Junior High All-Jazz Band.  He practiced, daily, and became quite comfortable with the music that he created.  Once in junior high, he tried out, and he got third chair of the trumpet section.  What a dream come true!
     First day of rehearsal, Timmy walked into the band hall, trumpet case tucked under his arm, swelling with pride that he was going to be playing with the All-Jazz Band.  He sat down, got out his music and trumpet, and waited.  In walked the band director, “Morning gang!  Not a lot of chat, we’re here to play jazz!  Open your books to selection 3.  It’s called Chattanooga Pistol, and we’re going to take it like this: 5…6…5, 6, 7, 8!” Baa-doppa, baa-doppa, baa-doppa baa daa…  The entire band just jumped right into it.  Timmy was right along with them.  He saw his notes.  They were easy.  He just cruised right along with the rest of the trumpet section. 
     Suddenly, there was a break in the music baa-dop BOM!  The director pointed at the first trumpet chair.  The kid stood up…baa-dop baaaaaaaa dop, baaaaaaaaaa dop, baa-dop bop bop bom, baa-dop, ba-bop baa bom!  The kid sat back down and the band continued (baa-dop baa-baa bom, baa-dop baa-baa bom).  Timmy only saw two blank lines on his page, marked SOLO AD-LIB.  He asked the kid next to him, “Where’d he get the music?”  “He made it up, that’s called ‘ad-libbing’.”  The band continued on (baa-dop baa-baa bom, baa-dop baa-baa bom).
     The director points to the second chair.  The kid stood right up.  Baa-daa da-de-ladda, da-de-ladda, baa-dop bop baa-daaaaa, baa-dop baa baa-dop, bop baa-dop baa-da baaaaaaaaaaa!  The kid sits right back down and the band continues on (baa-dop baa-baa bom, baa-dop baa-baa bom).  Sweat is now COURSING down Timmy’s face.  He can count.  He knows that he’s sitting in that THIRD chair.  But, the train keeps on coming! (baa-dop baa-baa bom, baa-dop baa-baa bom).
     The music breaks and the director points directly at Timmy.  He stood up…. (feebly and off key) briiiiiin, baaaaaaa-da, baa…. - (baa-dop baa-baa bom, baa-dop baa-baa bom).  The director saves him by keeping the band going.  Totally embarrassed, Timmy sat down, put his trumpet inside his case, and left his only rehearsal with the Junior High All-Jazz Band.  His dreams were shattered.  No one told him that there would be a moment that he would be expected to perform alone.
     Esther was put in that same situation, in which she had the one opportunity to save her family and the rest of her people, from Hamaan, the king’s evil advisor.  It was a situation that could possible mean her own death.  Then, her uncle tells her, “Could this moment be the reason that you were put here?”  This was her moment.
     That moment will come for each one of us.  God, and His angel band will be swinging along and then, He’ll break and point right at you.  What will you do with that moment?  Will you shamefully sit to hide within the crowd?  Or, will you stand for Him? 

Stick to The Path

     “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go.  This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for them you shall make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.”  Joshua 1:7-8

     Now, there is nothing more thrilling than wanting to explore the “unknown.”  As an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast, I scoff at the notion of “sticking to the ‘preset’ path”.  Where is the fun in that??  That’s no challenge!  I like to veer off the trailhead and have a good look around.  There is a time and place for exploring but, not when it comes to God’s path.
     Over two thousand years ago, God created that path for us to follow, by way of His Son.  During Joshua’s time, it was even simpler: “Follow the laws that were given to Moses and you will be just fine.”  Joshua was able to pick up where Moses left off.  God told him to do something and he listened.  It wasn’t difficult, just stick to God’s path.  Sounds easy enough.  Why do people have a problem with this?
     The answer is simple.  The pathway isn’t easy.  It’s not a smooth, level path that we can just go skipping and dancing along.  It is full of obstacles.  It has its share of rock faces to climb, steep drops to descend, and rivers to cross.  This trail was designed to test us.  It was created to give calloused hands and sore feet, spiritually speaking.  It was designed to give our spirits a workout; to use up some of its energy, to be replenished once again. 
     The best part is, we don’t have to guess at where the path goes.  God gives us a map, right at the beginning.  He doesn’t leave us to blindly edge our way, unprepared for the hazards that come.  He shows where all of the sharp slopes, loose gravel, and steep inclines are.  Here is the challenge and a map to show you the way.
     Don’t let the “easy” paths of life sway your determination to follow the way that God has set before you.  Gear up.  Lace up those hiking boots.  Grab the map.  Get going!

A Mother's Love

                                                       Moses and Jochebed by Pedro Américo,

“The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was beautiful, she hid him for three months.  But when she could hide him no longer, she got him a wicker basket and covered it over with tar and pitch.  Then she put the child into it and set it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile.”  Exodus 2:2-3

     The Bible tells us of several notable mothers throughout history.  We remember Sarah, Abraham’s wife, even though older and barren, bore a child, prophesized by God.  Hannah, Samuel’s mother, never gave up faith in God, in spite of ridicule.  Of course, we remember both Elizabeth and Mary, mothers of John the baptizer and Jesus, respectively.  There is one mother, that gets under credited:  Moses’ mother, Jochebed.
     Jochebed is only briefly mentioned, in the beginning of Exodus 2.  We aren’t even given her name until later on, in Exodus (Exodus 6:20). However, what she did was, perhaps, the most notable act of motherly love.  An act of self-sacrifice.  Jochebed would only keep her baby, Moses, for the first three months of his life, hidden.  Since he was in danger of Pharaoh’s decree to have the sons of the Israelites put to death, Jochebed sent the baby Moses afloat in a wicker basket, hoping to spare his life, knowing she would not see him again. I find it difficult to find a more noble act of motherly love than the act that Jochebed did.  Her faith and hope went to God to take care of her son.  She knew that the only chance that Moses had to survive, was in giving up her motherly duties.  That just makes me say, “Wow!”  That is love, right there!
     While Christian mothers, today, may not have to deal with the same situation that befell Jochebed, most never cease in their role of motherhood.  No matter how old their children become, they will always be mothers, and their love in everlasting.  I know that my own mother will continue to take on that mantle, with all of her heart, for as long as her own life allows.  I am proud to be her son.  She (and my daddy) raised my brother and I in a manner that God expects parents to raise their children.  Boundaries were set.  Rules were placed.  Punishment for inexcusable behavior, was enforced.  I love my parents for every bit of it!
     Let’s remember the sacrifice that Jochebed made, for her son.  Let us also not forget that our own mothers have made countless sacrifices for their children. 

     Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.  She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.  She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.  Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying: ‘Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all.’  Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.  Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.”  Proverbs 31:25-31

Who Is Going to Do It?

     "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The EVERLASTING God, the Lord, Creator of the ends of the earth. Neither faints nor is tired. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the weak and to those that have no might, He gives strength.... Those who wait on the Lord will renew our strength, we will soar high on wings as eagles. We will run and not be tired, walk and not faint!" Isaiah 40:28-31.

     As a Christian, I look out and see the peril that our nation is in.  Our political leaders are not using Godly morals to guide them, and the candidates of the upcoming presidential elections look no more promising, from either party.  So, what do people do?  What do they expect?  What do Christians want?
     From what I see, they want SOMEONE to fix the problem.  SOMEONE needs to stand up for God.  SOMEONE needs to stand up for the common morals that used to hold this country together.  They want SOMEONE…. but, not themselves.   It is through unity that a cause has prevailed yet, there is no unity.  There are many that are willingly standing in the shadows, in silent support.  Silent support won’t fix the problems.  Standing together, working together, and MAKING YOURSELF HEARD is the formula for making these changes to get this country turned back to God.  That SOMEONE is YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR COMMUNITY. 
     Many that claim to be believers cannot be expected to make proper decisions, when selecting candidates to govern this country.  The latest Presidential Primary Polls should attest to this.  There “belief in God” comes next to the world.  This should not be so, ever!  Paul, the apostle warns us not to become part of the world and not to allow worldly morals precede Godly morals (Ephesians chapter 5).  However, I see the exact opposite.  I see people casting aside the commands of the Bible.  I see people shrinking their beliefs, so that they will not be ridiculed.  I see people sacrifice Godly values to support the corrupted; those who would defile the word of God.  I see this and I am embarrassed.  Is this what we have become?
     I want to say to those people:  Go right ahead, and support those that disgrace the union of marriage (Genesis 2:22, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:31, 1 Corinthians 7:2, 1 Corinthians 6:9).  Submit to their lies, immoral ways, and deceit (1 Corinthians 6:10, Galatians 5:20, Ephesians 5:3).  Just remember, there will come a time when each, and every one of us will stand before God, to be judged for our actions, and sentenced accordingly. 
     God’s law supersedes any other law created by man.  That is the law in which I will be judged, one day.  My voice, my actions, and my life are going to be given to His service.  I pray that we will unite and stand in this common cause.